Have you got allergies? Are you feeling restless? Maybe you’re twitterpated? Well, have no fear–spring is here! That’s right, spring has officially sprung and we couldn’t be happier. Here at Superior Celebrations, spring means wedding season and we are itching to see our favorite products featured in your weddings. But–while we wait, here’s something to think about…
The advent of spring, thank heavens, means that we can all spend more time outdoors. I don’t know about you, but we are ready to shelve this winter season and jump into spring activity! The fresh start of a new season gives us a chance to pause and plan how we will use our time. After all, you only have spring for a few months before summer sneaks up on you. So what should you do with your spring season? We put together a bucket list to help you spend your spring wisely and do as much as you can outdoors.
Your Spring Bucket List
Participate in a color run.
We all have friends who remind us (constantly) of their running prowess. They eat, live, and breathe running, and their life is punctuated by full and half marathons. Maybe you admire them. Maybe you resent them. Doesn’t matter, because this spring is your chance to get in on that runner’s high (without a ton of training) and join a color run.
Color runs are exciting because you get the excitement that comes with a traditional run/race AND the highlight of crazy color powder! Color runs are all about the photos after the run, so if you’re in it just for the photo-op there is no shame.
Hosting your very own color run? We have premium color powder cannons formulated from water-soluble rice powder. These cannons are awesome because they pack vibrant color with easy clean up!
Chase waterfalls.
If you grew up in the 90’s, “Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls” is the first thing you thought of when you read that sentence. Listen, when it comes to spring, waterfalls are a great adventure to be had! Why? Usually you have to climb to get to them, so the nature you’ll see and the pictures you’ll take make this spring activity an absolute must!

Source: Thrillist
You can also finally use that silly pun about chasing waterfalls that you’ve been sitting on since 1995. Maybe apologize to your friends for sticking that song in their heads on repeat. Whoops.
Plan a scavenger hunt.
Get some friends or family members on board and take everyone on a wild goose chase. Go to a place like the beach, a park, or even downtown for a bigger challenge. Invite your friends to bring nature home with this particular adventure.

Source: Clean and Scentsible
Clean out your closets.
Nothing will put you more in the spirit of spring than some good ol’ fashioned spring cleaning. Out with the old, in with the new, right? If you haven’t yet discovered the KonMarie Method then you are seriously falling behind. Marie Kondo’s book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up has become the cornerstone for all things cleaning and organization. Why? Because she implements the “spring cleaning” philosophy daily by only holding onto items that serve a purpose or bring joy. So what brings you joy? Find out while you spring clean your house.
Have a picnic.
Picnics are one of those things that we as a society often forget about and when we finally get around to having one, we remember why they’re amazing. Something about planning, preparing, and packing a meal to be enjoyed out in nature intensifies all the flavors of your food. The sunlight, the breeze, and even the pesky insects remind you that being outside is glorious.

Source: Camille Styles
So plan a picnic! Don’t worry about the extra hassle or cleanup. Instead, focus on the celebration that is involved in sharing a meal outdoors with your family and friends. Even if all you eat is PB&J’s–this is a meal you won’t soon forget.
Plant a garden.

Source: Minimalisti
Did you know you can cut your grocery bill, help the environment, and improve your health by growing your own food? How exciting is that? Spring is the season to plant the seeds and grow your summer harvest. Just think: tomatoes, spinach, jalapeños, basil, and cilantro. You already have the makings for salsa, caprese, and a spinach salad. What you plant now will reward you just a few months down the road!
Take a nap outside.
This goes along nicely with your picnic, so kill two birds with one stone. Something about sunshine, birds chirping, and a blanket on the grass makes everyone sleepy. Even if you get the teensiest bit sun-burnt, a nap outside is absolutely luxurious.
Host a BBQ.

Source: The Food Charlatan
While summer is your real BBQ season, spring allows you to at least get some practice with with your grill. Now is your chance to bust out your favorite burger recipes and tri-tip rubs. It’s time to play with hickory-smoked wood, fancy seasoning, and everything you’ve been drooling over on Pinterest. Go ahead. Buy that silly apron that declares you king of the grill. This is your time.
Go on a road trip.
Hey, spring break is right around the corner, right? Pick a destination you’ve never seen before and navigate your way there! Why are road trips so amazing? Besides the inevitable junk food that has to be consumed en route, your story is written as you explore the unknown. Pick a destination, a partner, and make yourself a great story as you explore the open road.
Ride a bike.
It doesn’t matter how in or out of shape you are, when you hop on a bike, something wonderful happens: you go back in time. Bike riding instantly transports you back to childhood while simultaneously boosting your endorphins. It’s actually the perfect recreational activity for adults because it involves nostalgia and healthy activity. Whether it’s one mile or twenty, planning a bike ride will give you the perfect boost for spring and inspire you to stay active throughout the season.

Source: Instagram
Spring is here! How are you going to spend it? We hope you are inspired to make the most of this beautiful season. Please feel free to share your spring celebrations with us on Facebook and Instagram. Just tag us with #superiorcelebrations so that we can see!
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