As we head into the month of November it is important to take note of all of our blessings both big and small. We look forward to Thanksgiving as a time of reflection, gratitude, and rejoicing before we dive into the busy nature of the Christmas season.
And yet, weeks before the grand Thanksgiving feast takes place, we pause for a day of gratitude for our service men and women. Like Thanksgiving, Veteran’s Day is a fixed holiday that takes place every November, without fail. Unfortunately, unlike Thanksgiving, Veteran’s Day is often misunderstood, misconstrued, and under-celebrated. Here at Superior Celebrations, we aim to fix this oversight with some simple and tangible ways to instill actual gratitude for every Veteran’s Day.
Veteran’s Day is often confused with Memorial Day. It’s an honest mistake since both holidays honor servicemen and women. However, while Memorial Day is a holiday to remember those who gave their lives in service to our country, Veteran’s Day is meant to honor all who have served in the military. This is important because while Memorial Day reminds us of those who are missing, Veteran’s Day urges us to notice the ones who are still here. We have the chance to pause, reflect, and thank the men and women who put their lives on the line for us daily.
You might be wondering how to properly celebrate Veteran’s Day. This holiday is so much more than just a day off from work or school. Check out how you can give back to our veterans this Veteran’s Day.
How to Give Back this Veteran’s Day
First and foremost, educate yourself and your family about Veteran’s Day. While we all might know a few people who have spent time in the military, we do not all understand what these men and women have been through while serving our country. One of the biggest ways you can honor veterans is by listening to their unique perspectives on events that most of us just see through the news. We Are The Mighty put together a great list titled: The 14 Best Military Non-Fiction of All Time. Give it a look-through, and commit to read at least one book for this month.
When it comes to teaching your kids about Veteran’s Day, you can’t go wrong with some good reading. While you might not feel equipped to explain in detail why or how we celebrate Veteran’s Day with your kids, there are plenty of other people who can. In fact, plenty of authors and illustrators have paved the way for you to educate your children about this national holiday. Not sure which book to read? Check out this list to get you started.
Did you know that there are approximately 23.2 million veterans living in the United States today? That’s a lot of people who would love to hear your appreciation. Who doesn’t love snail mail? Veteran’s Day is the perfect excuse to pick up some snazzy cards or stationary and practice the art of letter writing.
You can easily start your correspondence with the servicemen and women you personally know or are somehow connected to. If you don’t already know a veteran, there are still opportunities to get involved and connect with veterans.
If you are looking for a resource to connect you with veterans, Operation Gratitude is a great place to start. They lead some fantastic campaigns to enrich the lives of our servicemen and women. If you want to go above and beyond letter writing, they also offer care packages for veterans. This is such a fun and meaningful way to bless the lives of people you aren’t able to see face-to-face. Take a minute to look over how you can send a care package to a veteran.

Source: Operation Gratitude
Finally, Operation Gratitude also leads a post-Halloween campaign in donating candy to the troops. While your kids might not be thrilled at parting with their precious sweets, you can encourage them to share by teaching them about Veteran’s Day. They are much more apt to share once they have emotionally connected the concept of “veteran” with “person I’m writing to.” Sending candy to the troops is a really easy way to get your community involved in Veteran’s Day. There is still time to donate so make sure you check out the program form to see if this is a fit for you.
Another way to celebrate Veteran’s Day is to give your time. Where? Anywhere that is committed to helping and serving veterans. You can visit a VA hospital and spend time with wounded soldiers and elderly veterans receiving health care. Bring them a card, flowers, or even a balloon and tell them how thankful you are for their service.

Source: KVAL News, Veteran’s Day 2015
Another way to give your time is by participating in the Veteran’s History Project. Birthed from the Library of Congress, the Veteran’s History Project helps to document and preserve the stories of our veterans. You can partner with a veteran to help tell their story. Check out how you can prepare for your interview and send in your story right here.
You can also give your time by just showing up to Veteran’s Day events. Is there a parade in your town? Go. A special picnic or BBQ for veterans? Attend. Find out what is already happening in your community and decide to take an active role in celebrating veterans.
We hope this post inspires in you a desire to give back this Veteran’s Day. Join us in celebrating our veterans in a way that blesses their lives long after the holiday weekend.
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